Q&A Blog


This cake is very good, as soon as I saw it I knew I had to do it. It is very fresh, the taste very soft, but very rich. I put him on ......


This is a dough that I prepare a lot both for salted cakes and for sweets, even when I have time I prepare it and freeze it and when ......


This cake can not imagine how rich it is, it is delicious without more, but of course, this I can not transmit it to you as I would like, and ......

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Sponge cake with apple and liquor This cake I made to take advantage of some apples They were spoiling and, in passing, they used an apple liqueur that nobody takes. We were surprised at how good and soft it is and it is also beautiful. Good weekend! Sponge cake with apple and liquor 2 eggs Grated 1 lemon 200 gr. of flour with yeast 125 gr. o...